Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Gramma (Ra-Ra) and Papa Come to Visit!

There may be heaps of pictures but we had an eventful week (or just shy of) with grandma and papa visiting. They boys enjoyed their time wrestling and snuggling with their grandparents! Cade is ready to hop on a plane to Alaska to do some fishing....and wrestling! We got our first snow while they were here and made a couple snowmen! The boys went ice skating for their first time which was quite fun! We went to Wishing Star Farm for pumpkins and then turned those pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns! For Halloween the boys were all sharks! We go trick-or-treating with our Ballard cousins and it was beautiful weather! We got more snow today but luckily it waited a couple days because sharks don't like the snow!

Yummy Snow!

I loved to roll down the hill in the snow!
Our little hill isn't much but it was just right for Caders and Nickerbockers!
Munching on some snow while grandma tries to start the snowman

The snow on the lawn is looking sparse after making these two beauties (the snowmen that is)!

Now for some skating! Ra-ra and Caders

Jake loved it!
Need for speed!
Now I'm cruisin!
Fun for momma too!

Headed to the farm!
Feeding the animals was a hit!!!

Riding the ponies was pretty fun also!
Giddy 'up!

This is about the longest we could get the boys to sit for a family pic!

Now for the pumpkin carving...


and now for our trick-or-treaters...

Sharks and Army Dudes! Happy Halloween!