Friday, August 26, 2011

How did August go so fast???

August has been a great month for the Ballards! We have had several days at the Fort Carson outdoor pool which has been so much fun, played with friends and just enjoyed being kids (yes, many popsicles have been consumed in the process)! Jake has his fifth birthday coming up tomorrow and we are very excited - look for the race car pictures soon. Cade has fell into a pretty steady routine of eating, playing in the dirt and sleeping! Nick just starting climbing out of his crib and his parents are begging him to slow down! Here are some pics...
New game of dumping water on our heads makes us giggle!


Big brother Jake is teaching little Nickers to play ball.

Nick says I got it coach!
Meanwhile the cheering crew is having a little cucumber from the garden.

Classic pasta pic!

Here's the real noodle kid!

Don't forget a dinner pic of me...almost 5 years old!
I'm ready for the pool dad! This was when mom went to California with her college girlfriends for a girls weekend. The boys all had fun with dad!

Chomping on a snack with our pal Caleb

Lovin' my wheels

We went to the pool (Fort Carson - our new favorite) with neighbors Keri and Bailey! We had a soda and cinnamon roll break - call that a great day

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Finishing out July with water guns, the rodeo, and worms!

Water gun fight with the Ballard cousins ~ Nice Shot!

Stick em up!

First roma tomato of the season is ready. Cade has since become a professional tomato picker!
Nick's first tomato ended up squished on the cream carpet - uggh.

Jake got a date with mom and dad to the Pikes Peak Rodeo!

Jake took over 100 photos at the rodeo - it is hard to get those cowboys flying off!

How many kids can we fit on the swing set?

Mom bought us a tub of worms!

They're everywhere! Cade's face in this pic may look grossed out but trust me he is not! I'm sure there was a big smile to follow!

Finally a Ballard boy that isn't so much in to the squishy little worms. He was looking at his brothers like they were crazy.

To the zoo with mom and her friend little Sara! Gotta love the giraffes!

Yep, no brothers - just Nickerbockers and momma....and Nick's favorite the elephants (or the whooos - that is what he calls elephants).